THREE MEN IN A BOAT: A 2CD SETMichael Bawtree's public readings have been acclaimed in Canada, the USA and the UK. He first performed 'Three Men In A Boat' at the Atlantic Theatre Festival in 2007. This recorded performance took place before a live audience at The Music Room in Halifax in 2008. Michael then took the show on tour in the UK in 2009, to raise money for war casualties, and played before laughing crowds everywhere.
Described as 'the funniest book ever written', Jerome K. Jerome's novel, published in 1881, recounts the story of a week's boating expedition on the River Thames by three young men (and a dog), for whom everything goes wrong. The story is frequently interrupted by the author's anecdotes, which are often uproarious. Jerome, who started life as an aspiring professional actor, knows how to tell a story, and his timing is flawless. Michael has perfectly caught the various moods of surprise, bafflement, laughter and dismay as the adventures unfold. $ 20.00 plus shipping&handling
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